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Your most valuable asset

Foto van schrijver: Sophie van AanholtSophie van Aanholt

Picture that ⏸ : a pause button. Like the one on your phone, or the one on a remote control.

Now see yourself back in a situation you dreamed of having this pause button. The kind of situation in which you wish you'd have a minute to cool down, or step back and breathe.

The outcome would have been . . .

Totally different.

We've all been there! Hitting the send button on a reply 'scorching the village' style, to an email that made us FURIOUS.

The second you've hit it; you feel a nod in the stomach. Because you know, this . . .

was really not the best version of yourself.

Seriously! Who has not dreamed of that button?

Make yourself ready for this post, because this button exists. It's real and it's right here inside of you. Simple, and easy to access . . . it's your breath.

That's right! YOUR BREATH.

I know, you've heard it before. But bear with me because this might be the start of a new de-stressed you.

Hack into your state

So, your breath. It's one of these involuntary physiologic processes, like your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and sexual arousal, regulated by the autonomic nervous system.

What's special about it is that we can also use our breath consciously. Meaning we can choose to bring our attention to it and steer it.

Goal: Hack in your physiology to change your current state.

From freaked-out . . . to blissed-out.

From furious . . . to fabulous.

From stressed . . . to blessed.

See our lungs are covered with nerves. The nerves covering the upper part are linked to the sympathetic nervous system which controls our "fight & flight" reaction.

The nerves on the lower part are connected to the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates our "rest & digest" mode.

Deep and slow breathing, filling and emptying the lungs reaches those nerves and signals the brain that we're safe and it's ok to relax.

⇧⇧⇧ THE HACK ⇧⇧⇧

Even in a stressful situation, if we choose to, we can slow down our breathing and reverse our stress reaction.

This is the reason why soldiers get taught meditation. So, they can stay cool and focus even in incredibly stressful situations.

Now you need to know that to hack into your state and change it, you'll need your breath and your attention. Your ability to notice where your attention is and to redirect it to where you want it to be.

So let's say you're giving an important presentation. People you want to impress are in the room. You're nervous but it's going well.

Now someone's asking you a question and you blank. While seconds are flying, the race is full on in your head, you went to all the places. Where's that answer?

You feel your heart pounding harder, sweat starts running down your back. The inside swirl is turning into a tornado.

Where's your attention?

Your ability to notice what's happening in the moment, your awareness, if trained, needs a split second to notice the signs of 'not best self' on the way.

There! You hack in with your breath, and ever so gently redirect your attention to where you want it to be.

Your breath is a super power

When you use it consciously. A long, slow, deep breath in and a complete exhale.

That's all it takes to slow down just enough so you'll find the perfect answer.

Might not be the exact answer to the question, but you'll stay cool, make a light joke and say you'll come back to it later.

Now you feel good, you stayed in the driver's seat and didn't get hijacked by stress.

Your attention is one of the most valuable assets you have

Let's go to the bigger picture now. Look at your life. Look at your habits. Just take a minute to really think about it.

Which activity are you devoting your time to?

Your energy?

Your money?

Where's your attention?

Now imagine you'd spend this time, energy, money, on activities that would get you where you want to be. Really want to know? Just go for it and get into the numbers.

How much time and money (easiest to quantify) did you spend a day, a week, a month, a year?

Where would you be a year from now if you were to spend these ressources (you already have) in a way that would help you reach your goals, your dreams?

That's why I always start here with my clients: BAM!

Breath - Attention - Movement.

They get to discover how powerful yet accessible their breath is, make it their superpower. Train their awareness so they can redirect their attention on demand, even in situations they normally get hijacked by stress, emotions, triggers. This gives them the choice to respond instead of reacting. They get to choose and be who they want to be, which is the start of crafting the life they want.

We’re whole! No matter where we start to work on. Breathe, move, grow. Body, mind and breath, are working together so we get to experience life and share it. Work with one and everything starts to shift and evolve.

Want to work with me, get in touch :)

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